標籤: Wordpress

(WordPress)- 如何修改 WordPress 控制臺路徑

(WordPress)- 如何修改 WordPress 控制臺路徑

(WordPress)- 如何修改 WordPress 控制臺路徑 以前常使用的 Kimo 

(WordPress)- How to reset the login password of WordPress website

(WordPress)- How to reset the login password of WordPress website

(WordPress)- How to reset the login password  

(WordPress)- 如何重新設定 WordPress 網站登入密碼的方法

(WordPress)- 如何重新設定 WordPress 網站登入密碼的方法

(WordPress)- 如何重新設定 WordPress 網站登入密碼的方法


以前常使用的 Kimo 也就是現在的 Yahoo 知識家今年也停止服務了,就想著自己也來整理看看,也會發英文版當練習英文,如果有文法不對的請多包含


Continue reading (WordPress)- 如何重新設定 WordPress 網站登入密碼的方法

(WordPress)- How to refresh permalink

(WordPress)- How to refresh permalink

(WordPress)-How to refresh permalink Kimo, wh 

(WordPress)- 如何刷新固定連結

(WordPress)- 如何刷新固定連結

(WordPress)- 如何刷新固定連結   以前常使用的 Kimo 也就是現在的 Ya 

(WordPress)- How to backup and delete .htaccess files

(WordPress)- How to backup and delete .htaccess files

(WordPress)- How to backup and delete .htaccess files

Kimo, which was often used in the past, and now Yahoo intellectuals, also stopped serving this year. I thought I would sort it out by myself, and I would also publish an English version for practicing English. If there is a grammatical error, please include more.

Continue reading (WordPress)- How to backup and delete .htaccess files

(WordPress)- 如何備份和刪除 .htaccess 檔案

(WordPress)- 如何備份和刪除 .htaccess 檔案

(WordPress)- 如何備份和刪除 .htaccess 檔案   以前常使 

(WordPress)- How to disable all plugins installed by WordPress ?

(WordPress)- How to disable all plugins installed by WordPress ?

(WordPress)- How to disable all plugins insta 

(WordPress)- 如何停用 WordPress 安裝的所有外掛

(WordPress)- 如何停用 WordPress 安裝的所有外掛

(WordPress)- 如何停用 WordPress 安裝的所有外掛


以前常使用的 Kimo 也就是現在的 Yahoo 知識家今年也停止服務了,就想著自己也來整理看看,也會發英文版當練習英文,如果有文法不對的請多包含


Continue reading (WordPress)- 如何停用 WordPress 安裝的所有外掛

(WordPress)- WordPress installation theme is abnormal, the exception handling of the website cannot be accessed

(WordPress)- WordPress installation theme is abnormal, the exception handling of the website cannot be accessed

(WordPress)- WordPress installation theme is abnormal, the exception handling of the website cannot be accessed

Kimo, which was often used in the past, and now Yahoo intellectuals, also stopped serving this year. I thought I would sort it out by myself, and I would also publish an English version for practicing English. If there is a grammatical error, please include more.


Continue reading (WordPress)- WordPress installation theme is abnormal, the exception handling of the website cannot be accessed

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝主題異常,網站進不去的異常排除

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝主題異常,網站進不去的異常排除

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝主題異常,網站進不去的異常排除   以前 

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝外掛異常,網站進不去的異常排除

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝外掛異常,網站進不去的異常排除

(WordPress)- WordPress 安裝外掛異常,網站進不去的異常排除


以前常使用的 Kimo 也就是現在的 Yahoo 知識家今年也停止服務了,就想著自己也來整理看看,也會發英文版當練習英文,如果有文法不對的請多包含


Continue reading (WordPress)- WordPress 安裝外掛異常,網站進不去的異常排除